Kindred Artists pt. 3

The Ecomusée Du Fier Monde
October 20 opening reception from 6-9pm
October 21 Open viewing from 11am-5:30pm
Connections Gallery

November 3 opening reception from 6-9pm
Exhibition is on until November 29

Artists Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Kindred is a portrait exhibition printed entirely using permanent processes. Each photographer has submitted an image of someone within their community that they admire along with a description of their relationship to their subject. The result is an exhibition of people from all walks of life who are being celebrated through the photographic medium.
Kindred will first be popping up for two days in Montreal where we have one branch of our network within the photographic community. This exhibition is comprised of a large number of Quebec artists, allowing for a true exchange when the show is installed in Toronto this November.

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Lisa Murzin

However the light shines on Ella, she can stay in balance. Ella is responsible and organized. Deciding to travel before furthering her education at massage therapy school, she visited Europe, Iceland, South America and then travelled in Asia with her brother, Clayton. As Ella says, she did all the trip planning while they were together. Ella continues to build her ‘tool box’ to help others with physiological ailments; they will be guided by dedicated hands.

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Lisa Murzin

Water and earth, our son finds peace and balance amid these elements. Clayton spent childhood summers canoe tripping, has worked as a canoe tripper and aspires to tripping on the South Nahanni river in the Northwest Territories. He is passionate about rock climbing and traveled Asia climbing with friends. The trip culminated trekking on the Annapurna trail with his sister, Ella, in the mountains of Nepal. Undoubtedly, future plans include water and earth.


Guy Glorieux

C’était une belle journée d’été.  Du haut de ses 90 ans ma mère nous avait invité ma fille, mon gendre et moi.  Nous étions installés à une terrasse ensoleillée et nous parlions en buvant un thé ou un café glacé.  L’instant était magique, ma mère resplendissait du bonheurd’être avec nous.  Nous savions tous qu’il n’y aurait pas beaucoup d’autres occasions comme celle-là.  Ma mère est partie depuis mais cette photo en garde le souvenir.

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Céline Lalonde

Immobile, regardant par sa fenêtre, elle semble naviguer dans ses pensées.  J’entends une invitation silencieuse : « Voyageant ainsi vers des contrées lointaines, il m’arrive même de me promener dans les jardins de mon enfance. Il me suffit d’un rayon de lumière, d’un simple regard et j’y suis arrivée… » Et nous voilà voyageant ensemble, chacune à sa façon.  Elle, à travers son imagination. Moi, l’oeil rivé au viseur de ma caméra, je suis emportée par la beauté de sa lumière.

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Shelagh Howard

I have always been inspired by Lisa’s creativity, energy and wisdom. Over the last 16 years, I have watched her delve deeper into her creative work, while admirably balancing family, work, and other aspects of her life. For me, Lisa possesses an ageless beauty, which is why I chose to photograph her this way, and for this project involving historical processes. So much of the modern ideal of beauty is fabricated: hair colour, make-up, fashion, and the ubiquitous photoshop to make us look younger and “perfect”.  Lisa reminds me that true beauty is timeless and needs no adornment.

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Pierre Dalpé

Eric Miranda is a Mexican actor and a playwright. I met Eric while attending an artist residency in Mexico City, in 2010. Eric had never done drag before, and he wanted our collaboration to involve him playing the role of a woman. As the location for the shoot, we used Eric’s family home, which his eccentric father had converted into a museum—a veritable cabinet of curiosities. It was one of the more interesting photo shoots I had while in Mexico, and both of us were very pleased with the results.

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